Monday, October 10, 2011

Ah, I love me a good night!!!

I love a good night.  Especially a "me" night!!!  I just had the wonderful opportunity to go to dinner and listen to a wonderful talk with my very good friend, Melissa.

First and foremost, let me repeat -- I got to spend the evening with my friend, Melissa!  :)  She is such a blessing in my life -- and no matter how far apart we live, or how long between times that we see each other -- it's as if we saw each other yesterday!

We went to the New Bremen Coffee Shoppe for an "inspirational evening".  And boy, was it inspiring!  We started with a lovely dinner, with, of course, yummy coffee!!  Any dinner that I didn't have to make or clean up after is a good dinner, but this one was exceptional!  I think Carla Topp was the chef.  It was awesome!

I've been looking forward to tonight for quite some time.  The speaker for this evening was Jamie Schmiesing.  For those of you who don't have the privilege of knowing who she is -- Jamie is a wife and mother.  Mother of 11.  Ages 11 and under.  With three sets of twins.  Impressed yet?  I am.  On top of all of that, she is beautiful on the inside and out, and a wonderful speaker to boot!  She spoke of everything that we juggle each and every day -- and those days that I think that I juggle a lot -- she has my juggling x2!!!  :) 

We laughed, and we cried (I had a constant stream of tears, so I got confused if I was laughing or crying!).  She spoke of laundry and dishes and many other ordinary things that we do each and every day.  However, Jamie always seems to find the extraordinary in the ordinary! 

Out of all the things that she spoke of, I was touched the most about her words about prayer.  As many of us do, she struggles with daily prayer.  Remembering to do it!  We can get the ordinary stuff done -- the mealtimes, and the bedtimes, but what can we do to make our days even better?

She mentioned that she has a morning offering printed off and puts it out in the evenings when she gets the cereal out for breakfast, and hopes they remember to pray it in the morning.  She says that the days they pray it, she can tell their days go better because they are offering up each movement for the glory of God!

I've looked for the exact prayer she prayed, and can't find it -- maybe she'll share and I will share with you.  In the meantime, she writes a pretty mean blog herself -- if you'd like to follow the antics of her family you can here: .......she's pretty awesome!!!

{Jamie provided it below, in the comments, but I'm going to insert it here:

"Oh my God,
I offer you this day,
All I do and think and say,
In union with what was done,
On Earth by Jesus Christ, your son. Amen." }

If you'd like to see her (and maybe someone else you know :) -- she is the keynote speaker at a women's retreat at the Spiritual Center on November 4-5.  I hear someone else is speaking later in the evening on creating easy meals to help get your family back around the table.  ;)

Hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. you are too, too kind Pam! It was a wonderful evening...good food, good friends (and amen! No clean-up!)
    Our morning offering prayer goes...
    "Oh my God,
    I offer you this day,
    All I do and think and say,
    In union with what was done,
    On Earth by Jesus Christ, your son. Amen."

  2. Thanks to both of you -- Jamie for speaking from your heart. Pam for being so supportive of everyone....and getting that speaking bug yourself!

  3. Jamie ~

    Thanks for that!!! I will add it into the body of the blog so others will see it. We're going to try it! And thanks again -- I've been smiling all day at some of your stories!

    Shelly - thanks for being the brainstorm behind the idea. It's fabulous that we can get together (even the NON Catholics LOLOLOL -- just kidding, there's a story there, folks) and share our faith. I appreciate you opening your storefront for that.

  4. I love this little prayer -- I copied it down and stuck it on the mirror in my room here in Portugal! :)
