Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pope Dancing With the Youth!

I came across this video today......and I love it.  Pope John Paul II dancing with a large group of young people -- in 1986.  Wow!

One of John Paul II's primary focuses was to bring the youth back to the church, to get them involved in the church, and to lead them to the Lord.  I personally think he was the main person to get youth ministry going as well as it has in recent years.  His support was immeasurable.

I will never get the opportunity to meet him (unfortunately) but am blessed to have been able to experience him as our pope.  His ability to draw people to the Lord was amazing.  I know that my faith life was enriched greatly because of him.

He was the primary source of the World Youth Days around the world, that bring youth from all over the world together to share their faith.  I truly believe these types of gatherings help everyone know and understand that we are not alone in our faith journey!

He will be canonized May 1 in Rome.  I am very jealous of my niece, Heidi, who just happens to be studying in Rome right now and will be able to be present for his beatification.  What an incredible opportunity!  I hope that she shares lots of pictures of this time.

What JPII did for Catholics around the world was huge!  But, we can do the same things, on a much smaller scale, each and every day!!  We can share our faith.  We can bring a smile to someone, or a hug for someone who may not need it, or expect it.  These things go a long way to bringing us together as a faith family.

What can you do today to enrich either your faith, or those around you?

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