Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Well, here they are!

Short and sweet tonight.....just thought I would report that the #@$@% (bifocals) are in.  Here they are.  Let me know what you think.

I'm slowly adjusting to them....the grocery store was interesting.  I'm sure anyone who didn't know what was going on with me thought I was looney -- I kept looking up and down throughout the entire store.  LOL  But I'm adjusting.  Not sure you get the whole "purple" theme on there, but it's what is seeing me through this transition.  :)

Prayers continue to go out to everyone in our area so deeply affected by the flooding this week.  So interesting to me about the Gospel reading on Sunday about not worrying....God really does have messages for us, if we just sit up and take notice.

Finally ~ a funny for you.  Tonight at dinner we were spelling words (I know, we're nerds, but anyone who knows me knows I'm a stickler for spelling).  Will's word was effervescent.  He asked me to give him a definition, so I said (obviously I didn't have a dictionary in front of me since I was eating), "Something that bubbles in the bathtub."

He gave it a good try with (I think) effervesant.  Pretty good, I thought. 

Harry said, "I know how to spell it!  F-A-R-T."


Have a good day tomorrow, everyone.  Hopefully tomorrow night, I'll have a good report from our CCD class.  Good luck to the boy's basketball team, as they play in tournaments tomorrow night. 

Until next time,


  1. I like the specs!!! Be careful on stairs... That's where the bifocal thing gets tricky. Love the fart comment!

  2. Just an FYI... To post a comment you have to go thru a bunch of steps, so don't think people aren't reading... They probably give up on the attempt at a comment!! I kept thinking I was done and could post and then there would be another step. Choose a profile ...preview... Put in the secret word.. Sheesh!! Lol

  3. Pam,
    I think they look great on you! Also, I have just started following your blog and just as when I was in your high school CCD class you have so many things that really make me think. Thank you for sharing!
    Kay Schulze

  4. Hi Donna ~

    I know about all the steps, but don't know how to get around it....sorry....I think you can post as anon and that may cut back a bit. Not sure though.

    And Kay ~

    Thanks. Like I said initially, I am not an expert by any means, but am just feeling the need to share. I am guessing His plans will be revealed as we move along.

    Thanks to both of you for your glasses comments. I'm adjusting! LOL Kay -- I always think of your Grandma Behr when I think of my love of purple. If my memory serves, she loves purple as well!

  5. Oh and I thought you were wearing purple in honor of Justin Bieber's birthday... It's me Donna ... I am going anonymous!!! Lol

  6. and the part about Harry didn't surprise me at all...if you can imagine.
