Sunday, April 8, 2012

Alleluia! He is risen!

Alleluia!  He is risen!

We just returned from Easter Vigil.  Truly, one of my favorite masses of the year.  The words to hear spoken, the beautiful music.  To hear the words, every year: "He is risen! Rejoice!"

I was so touched tonight by the two young women who came into our church tonight.  In a sense, I'm a little jealous of them! 

It's kind of like when you get something new -- a new car, or a new love it.  You take such good care of it!  You think about it -- a lot.  Then, the older it gets, you think about it a little less, and maybe don't take quite such good care of it.  You perhaps even take advantage -- you know your car will be sitting in the garage in the morning, no worries. 

I'm thinking these women are at the same stage in their faith.  A mass that we of course got ready for by thinking an hour or so before we left about getting ready was most likely on their minds not only all day, but all week before-hand.  And tomorrow, when they wake up, they will think -- "I am Catholic!"

As they were confirmed this evening, I couldn't help but shed tears of joy for them.  I loved that their husbands (I think they were both married) were their sponsors -- to help them carry out the faith.  I even smiled when the one gently rubbed her back when they were done to welcome her.  What a beautiful gift!

I love the Catholic faith so much.  I love what we stand for.  I love the consistency across all Catholic churches.  I love that so many of us believe and hope for the same things.

Several years ago, I had the pleasure of serving as a sponsor for my friend, Alicia, as she completed the conversion process and became Catholic.  Aside from the wonderful fact that she was turning Catholic, it was such an honor for me to be able to sit with her in her RCIA classes.  As an adult, I learned so very much about our faith.  I learned many of the traditions and backgrounds of different parts of our faith.  My own faith grew so much that year.

I remember one of the women that was in class with her really struck me -- I even had her come in and talk to my religion class one time because she was so vibrant with her new found "Catholicity"......she told the funnest story.  She said the week after she became Catholic, she drove down 119 (if you are not from around here, 119 has many many Catholic churches on it) -- and, at every Catholic church, she would look over and point and say, "That's my church!"  Because she truly belonged to each and every one!

So, as we enter into the season for rejoicing and celebrating the rising of our Lord, let us also embrace the "newness" of our faith.  Let's not take advantage of it, but rather celebrate each time we drive down the road and see another Catholic Church.  Remember to think, "That is MY church!"

I hope that you have a blessed Easter and are able to have Christ at the head of your celebration!

Happy Easter from The Kaisers!

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