Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two things to share

Whew!  What a weekend!!!  I need a vacation to recover!  LOL 

Football games, band contests, and this weekend threw in a cooking contest and a trip to Dayton to deliver Sarah back home to her dorm made for a busy weekend at the Kaiser house!  But, I loved it.  Every minute of it!  As I told someone the other day, every time I think life is too busy, I realize that I only have this time for a small length of time -- so I'm going to appreciate it!

I made a couple of interesting observations this weekend.  The first is how much I love where I live!  I love this country.  I love the fact that when we are at football games, or band contests, or (last weekend) parades -- when the National Anthem comes on -- people stop and honor our flag.  They remove their hats, put their hands over their hearts, and the crowd becomes silent.  What a beautiful sight and sound.  I love it!

The second thing, which became very apparent this weekend, was the beauty of the changing trees.  As we were driving, yesterday a bit, and today a little longer to Dayton -- I was just in awe.  What a beautiful time of the year!  I truly think this is my favorite time -- I love the temperatures (even when it's a LITTLE cold :) -- and love the beauty of it all.  I'm hoping it's still this pretty next weekend for our little trip down south (more about that later!). 

It reminded me of a little thing I read the other day -- a mother and son were talking, looking at the changing leaves and enjoying the weather.  The mom said to the son, "Imagine if God gives us this much beauty here on earth, how wonderful it must be in heaven!"

Thank you, God, for all that you give us!

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